July 17, 2009

Prayer, June (Example)

Summary:  we blah blah blah blah.  blah blah blah.  

We worked on three main tasks over this last period:
1)  blah blah blah
2)  etc etc etc
3) yeah yeah yeah

Currently, we are waiting to hear back regarding X.  Also, if anyone knows someone who can Z, please let us know.

We hope to continue to make progress in these areas, as well as to begin a new project involving Y. 

Prayer Team (Tim McGee) 

Sister 2 Sister Blog

Hello S2S Federation,
At our last meeting, I mentioned the possibility of an online forum as a way to maximize our communication while minimizing the time commitment.  I also thought it might be a way to change the style of our meetings.  

Since this is a federation, what follows is only a suggestion, an idea, something to be discussed as a group.

My hope is that this blog will function similar to the format of our meetings.  Each team will be responsible to post a brief summary detailing the work they have done since the last post/meeting.  Just as in our group meetings, we want to hear from everyone, even if it is just to clarify that nothing new has taken place.  Thus, for example, the prayer team would post a summary regarding the work done and the work that needs to be done.  The team coordinating fundraising might post a small note clarifying that, as there are no trips in progress, no fundraising is currently being done.  Everyone team posts, and everyone can respond to any post (with suggestions, ideas, people to contact, words of encouragement, etc).  

In my opinion, this online forum has a few advantages over using our group time to update one another.  First, it provides more flexibility and freedom in our group meetings.  Instead of needing everyone to provide updates, we are free to focus on the more urgent or complicated issues, spend more time in prayer, or deepen the relationships with other members.  Secondly, by posting online, people who have insight or advice about a project they are not overseeing can dialogue with the responsible team without needing to involve the whole group in the discussion.  Thirdly, given our enormous difficulty scheduling, using an online forum will allow us to have more flexibility with how often and how long we meet.  Fourthly, we can upload pictures, video, and documents so that they are accessible to all.  Finally, the blog will archive for us the work we have done.  Using the team name for the title as well as for the "labels" will allow a quick and easy way to organize and review past work (e.g., if I click on the "prayer" label, it will bring up all the previous posts regarding prayer).

Thank you all, and I look forward to our next meeting.
Tim McGee